The What, When, Who and How of Tiger Balm

As one of the top analgesic brands in the global market, Tiger Balm is a household name for muscle and joint pain relief. Once a staple in Asian households, Tiger Balm has gained worldwide recognition with its iconic hexagonal jar and “Works Where it Hurts” motto ringing true amongst consumers. First created in the 1870s by Aw Chu Kin, a Chinese herbalist and businessman, the balm was developed as a natural remedy for muscle and joint pain. Leveraging a blend of herbal ingredients, the product quickly gained popularity in Asia. It was later introduced to the Western markets where it has become a popular choice for consumers who prefer natural, pill-free pain relief products. Though currently headquartered in Singapore, Tiger Balm is sold in over 100 countries worldwide.

But what does Tiger Balm do, what are its uses, and how do you use it?

What is Tiger Balm?

Tiger Balm is a topical analgesic, or pain-relieving, product that is commonly used to help relieve muscle and joint pain, as well as soreness and stiffness. It is made from a blend of natural herbs and aromatic essential oils, including camphor, menthol, and cajuput oil. When applied to the skin, it can relieve various conditions, such as arthritis, muscle strains, and headaches. Available in ointments and patches, the pain-relieving properties of Tiger Balm can be experienced in various ways depending on your preference.

What Is Tiger Balm Good For, and When Can It Be Used?

Tiger Balm has several other benefits in addition to its pain-relieving properties. Some people use it to help soothe and relax tired muscles, while others use it to help reduce inflammation and swelling. Tiger Balm is also sometimes used to help alleviate the symptoms of colds and flu, such as congestion, by providing a cooling sensation on the skin and increasing circulation by opening blood vessels. Some people also find that Tiger Balm’s ability to improve circulation can help reduce muscle fatigue and stiffness.

How Does Tiger Balm Work?

As mentioned, Tiger Balm is a topical analgesic that is commonly used to relieve muscle and joint pain, as well as soreness and stiffness. Its ability to do so can be attributed to its signature blend of natural herbs and active ingredients, which work together to revitalise muscle and joint aches. Some key active ingredients commonly found in Tiger Balm products include camphor, capsicum extract, and menthol. Camphor, for example, is found in most of our products and increases local blood flow. This reduces pain and swelling while simultaneously providing temporary relief for minor aches and pains.

Who Can Use Tiger Balm?

Anyone experiencing pains and aches can use Tiger Balm as needed. However, pregnant or breastfeeding women should consult with a medical professional before using Tiger Balm. It is also important to follow the instructions for use provided on our product packaging before application. Additionally, Tiger Balm should not be used on open wounds or broken skin and should not be ingested.

What Are Tiger Balm Products and How Are They Used?

Tiger Balm products come in different formulations, including muscle rubs and muscle pain relief patches, making them a convenient and effective solution for everyday use. Here are some muscle and joint pain relief products that will be perfect for you:

1. Tiger Balm Red

Tiger Balm Red Ointment, also known as the arthritis rub, is designed for arthritis and joint pain. Boasting Tiger Balm’s unique formulation of herbal ingredients, this muscle rub provides fast, safe, and effective relief for minor muscular aches and pains caused by overexertion, backaches, arthritis, and joint pains. Perfect for those seeking temporary relief from muscle and arthritis pain, simply rub the ointment onto the affected areas, and revel in the relaxing and warm sensation upon application.

2. Tiger Balm White

Tiger Balm White is one of our classic ointments that many worldwide have grown up with. Containing cajuput oil, clove oil, and mint oil, it is the go-to headache remedy. Tiger Balm White can also be used to soothe nasal congestion.

3. Tiger Balm Ultra Strength

If you’re seeking extra-strength muscle and joint pain relief, Tiger Balm Ultra Strength Ointment contains our strongest concentration of herbal ingredients. A single application of this non-staining ointment is all it takes for fast and comforting pain relief. Menthol provides an initial cooling sensation, while camphor provides warmth and reduces pain and swelling.

4. Tiger Balm Pain Relief Patches

Beyond our muscle and pain relief rubs, we also ensure that you can enjoy Tiger Balm’s blend of herbal ingredients in the easiest way possible. This has led to the creation of the Tiger Balm Pain Relief Patches for back aches and neck pain. These back pain relief patches provide targeted muscle pain relief for hours by contouring to your body and alleviating the pain in the specific area of application.

Relieve Your Aches and Pains With Tiger Balm

When it comes to back muscle pain relief, sore joint pain relief, and muscle pain treatment products, Tiger Balm remains unrivalled in the muscle pain relief market. Our range of muscle rubs and formulations help you soothe muscle and joint pains, even those caused by arthritis, so you can continue to live a full and active lifestyle.

Find out where you can buy Tiger Balm products in Canada.

Knee Pain Causes, Symptoms, and Relief Options

Do your knees lock or painfully click when you bend down? As surprising as it might be, people of nearly all ages suffer from knee pain. Whether you’re a young adult who suddenly feels knee joint pain while out for a run or a senior who feels pain in the knee when bending down, anyone can develop knee pain. As the largest joint in the body, the knee plays a crucial role in our body’s movement and support system. Therefore, the slightest pain can drastically affect an individual’s mobility and overall quality of life. Connecting the upper and the lower leg bones, the knee joint is made up of ligaments, tendons, muscles, cartilage, and fluid-filled sacs, all of which work together to provide support, facilitate movement, and keep everything functioning smoothly. However, as one of the most used joints, they face daily wear and tear and can wear out as more stress is put on them. They are also susceptible to inflammatory diseases. Knowing the possible causes of knee pain, the symptoms, and the relief options will help you better manage the pain when you experience it.

The Common Causes of Knee Pain

As mentioned, knee pain is a common problem that can affect people of all ages and all lifestyles. And, just like how anyone can suffer from knee pain, there is a long list of causes that can be associated with it. Since several different factors can trigger an episode, it is important to understand them to find the most effective treatment or pain relief option.

One of the possible causes of knee pain is arthritis. While there are hundreds of variations of this inflammatory condition, the most common type of arthritis, Osteoarthritis, can affect the knee. Mostly experienced by older adults, Osteoarthritis is a degenerative joint disease that occurs when the cartilage that cushions the bones in the knees wears down. As the cartilage wears away, the bones begin to rub against each other, bringing about pain, stiffness, weakness, and even swelling.

Another common cause of knee pain is injury or trauma to the knee. This can include an Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) injury, torn meniscus, or fractures. These injuries can cause pain, swelling, and difficulty moving the knee. Overuse or repetitive strain injuries can also cause knee pain because painful inflammation can occur when the knee is repeatedly stressed.

The Symptoms of Knee Pain

The symptoms of knee pain can vary depending on the underlying cause. However, some common symptoms of knee pain include swelling and stiffness in the knee joint, difficulty walking or standing, and a crunching or grinding sensation when moving the knee. While some knee pains are not serious, excruciating or chronic pain can indicate something is wrong. Therefore, it is important to consult a medical professional for a proper diagnosis and treatment.

What is the Fastest Way To Relieve Knee Pain?

Treatment options for knee pain will depend on the specific cause and severity of the pain and may include self-care measures, physical therapy, or medications. In some cases, surgery may be necessary to treat knee pain. Some of the ways to reduce or manage knee pain include:

1. Weight Management

Carrying excess weight puts additional pressure on the knee joints, which are already carrying the bulk of the weight of your body. To prevent pain and discomfort from developing, maintaining a healthy weight and exercising can do wonders in alleviating knee pain since less stress will be put on them.

2. Balancing Rest and Exercising

Finding a balance between rest and exercise is important to help manage knee pain. While too much rest can lead to muscle atrophy and weakness, too much exercise can put additional strain on the knees. Therefore, establishing a moderate exercise routine is key to perfecting the balance. Gentle, low-impact exercises like swimming or cycling can help strengthen the muscles around the knee and provide pain relief. Be sure to also listen to your body while exercising. If you are already experiencing pain, avoid exerting too much force on the knees, so the condition is not aggravated.

3. Use Compression Bandages

Compression bandages, can help support the knee and prevent swelling.

4. Use Footwear that Offers Sufficient Support

Wearing shoes with good arch support and cushioning can help reduce the strain on the knees and reduce pain.

Also, avoid wearing high heels or shoes with thin soles, as they can put additional strain on the knees.

5. Knee Pain Relief Creams and Products

While seeking the advice of a medical professional will give you access to the best medicine for knee pain, Over-the-counter topical pain relief solutions can help reduce knee pain. Still, many contain synthetic ingredients or salicylates, which can cause a reaction in those with aspirin allergies. Other products contain herbal ingredients such as camphor, menthol, and mint oil to help reduce inflammation and pain. These herbal ingredients are found in Tiger Balm’s knee pain relief creams and balms. Aiming to provide you with the pain relief you need, you can experience effective knee and joint pain relief with:

  • Tiger Balm Ultra Strength: This pain relief ointment contains the strongest concentration of Tiger Balm’s signature herbal ingredients to provide you with warm and comforting relief for arthritis pains. The penetrating heat of Tiger Balm Ultra Strength will also increase circulation by opening up blood vessels and assisting in the recovery of any damaged tissue.
  • Tiger Balm Red: An arthritis cream, Tiger Balm Red boasts a unique formulation of herbal ingredients that will provide fast and effective knee and joint pain relief.

Find Relief for Your Knee Pain With Tiger Balm

Knee and joint pain can affect one’s ability to enjoy their favourite activities. While there are several causes of knee pain, and some self-treatment options can be effective for mild to moderate pains, dealing with it can be much easier with Tiger Balm. From arthritis creams for the knees to pain relief balms, we have them all. So find your ideal Tiger Balm products at a retailer near you or buy them online today!

Sore Muscles vs. Muscle Pain: Differences and Remedy Tips

Mobility comes with a price. An active lifestyle can keep your physical and mental well-being at its best. But movements can falter over time, leaving us to deal with the aftereffects. After all, the entire philosophy of exercise revolves around pushing the body and putting stress on it in the hopes that it exacts change. However, as much as exercise can help prevent chronic conditions and help maintain strong muscles and bones, it is often accompanied by discomfort. For example, sore abs and glutes are common side effects of doing crunches and squats and a clear indication that you’ve done something to improve your health and strength. But when does this muscle fatigue become a red flag of an injury? Read on to learn the differences between post-activity muscle pain and soreness, and ways to relieve these aches and pains.

Post-activity Pain vs. Soreness

Muscle soreness after an intense workout session is normal and is not a cause for concern. Muscle pain, on the other hand, does not resolve after a few days and will bring forth symptoms like sharp, achy, and tingling sensations in the muscles or joints. As such, knowing the difference between soreness and pain will allow you to evaluate your threshold and prevent the same issues from rising again.

Type of Discomfort 

Suppose your muscles feel tender upon touch, and you feel tired or are experiencing a burning feeling while exercising. In that case, you’re most likely dealing with a sore muscle. This type of soreness is known as delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) and is caused by unharmful micro-tears on the muscles. When resting, there should only be a minimal dull, tight, and achy feeling.

Pain, on the other hand, results in sharp twinges when exercising and even when resting. Muscle pain can also keep you awake at night, and joints and muscles around the area can become stiff. Limping or movement changes are some other signs that indicate the pain is caused by an injury.

Onset and Duration of Discomfort

Muscle soreness is usually experienced during your workout session or one to three days after the strenuous activity. Similarly, muscle pain can occur during exercise or within 24 hours of activity. However, the difference lies in how long the discomfort lasts. Muscle soreness will go away on its own after two to three days, but muscle pain can linger for a long time if the proper muscle pain treatment is not provided.

Causes of Sore Muscles and Muscle Pain

Sore muscles often result from using your muscles for something that you’ve not done for a long time. This can include anything from working out and playing sports to doing housework or increasing the intensity or length of your workout routine. Basically, any changes that your muscles are not accustomed to will lead to tiny injuries in the muscle fibres and connective tissue. This, however, strengthens the muscles and connective tissues over time, building more resilience.

Muscle pain is indicative of an injury. Be it pulled muscles or damage to the ligament or meniscus, there will be swelling and bruising in addition to limitations in movement. Some causes of muscle pain include inadequate stretching, overuse, or improper workout techniques.

Ways To Stay Ahead of Soreness and Relieve Muscle Pain

One of the best ways to manage your muscle soreness and pain is to know your body’s limits and take all the steps necessary before and after a workout.

Muscle Soreness

When it comes to sore muscles, there is some truth in the saying, “no pain, no gain.” But if the soreness is bringing you down, consider these sore muscle pain relief tips:

  • Take time to recover: Allow yourself a day or two of rest so your body can stay ahead of the soreness, and risks of pain and injury will be mitigated.
  • Vary your activities: Performing alternate exercises will allow your sore muscles to recover. Doing so will also ensure that the muscles do not get injured due to overexertion.
  • Stay active: As contradictory as it may seem, DOMS does indeed improve with continuous activity. So instead of resting completely, consider stretching and doing some light movement.
  • Over-the-counter remedies: Simple remedies like sore muscle creams and muscle rubs can help subside the achy feeling almost instantly. Muscle rubs like Tiger Balm ointments are some of the best pain relievers for sore muscles after a workout. They will get you back on track to achieve your fitness goals and elevate your fitness regimes.

Muscle Pain

Since the side effects of muscle pain can be more intense and debilitating, the best muscle pain relief options vary from sore muscle remedies.

  • Stop activities that trigger the pain: Since it can be difficult to determine the exact cause of the pain and the degree of the injury is not clearly reflected by the amount of pain you feel, it is best to stop all strenuous activities and seek the necessary help.
  • Don’t push through the pain: Unlike sore muscles, whereby you can do light activities to ease the soreness, it is best to avoid pushing through muscle pain. Doing so can intensify the pain or even cause further injury.
  • Seek medical help: If your muscle pain does not dissipate after a week, visit a doctor or medical professional for a thorough evaluation and proper treatment.

Elevate Your Fitness Regime With Tiger Balm Muscle Pain Relief Solutions

Experiencing sore muscles and pain after an intense workout session is common. But when the discomfort and pain persist, leveraging quick fixes that relieve muscle soreness and boost muscle and tissue recovery is the best way forward. And that is precisely what Tiger Balm aims to do.

Elevate your fitness regime with muscle pain relief solutions from Tiger Balm and enjoy effective, strong, and convenient pain relief for hours. Muscle creams and pain relief balms like Tiger Balm Ultra Strength Ointment, which contains our strongest blend of herbal ingredients, can help you stay on top of your fitness routine.

Neck and Shoulder Pain Causes, Symptoms, and Relief Options

Neck and shoulder pain is the discomfort in any structures in the neck and shoulder region, which include muscles, nerves, vertebrae, joints, and the discs between the bones. Experiencing pain simultaneously in the neck and shoulders is common, especially for working-age people. The pain can start in the neck and radiate down to the shoulders and arms. These discomforts are generally harmless, but suffering from musculoskeletal pain in the neck and shoulders for long periods can be troublesome and, at times, disabling. Given its potential to affect your day-to-day activities, knowing what caused it, its symptoms, and neck and shoulder pain relief options can do wonders in terms of pain management.

The Common Causes of Neck and Shoulder Pain

You sit by your desk at work, and your neck is sore, making it difficult to move your head. Was your stiff neck caused by sleeping on your wrong side the night before? Or was the reduced range of motion triggered by that rock-climbing session you had? As mentioned, neck and shoulder pain can involve a range of tissues, nerves, bones, joints, ligaments, and muscles. This includes other seemingly irrelevant anatomical sites to which the pain can spread. As such, its symptoms and causes can vary, ranging from trauma to muscle strain. However, neck and shoulder pain is generally linked to sprains and strains due to intensive physical activity, overexertion, or incorrect posture.

Neck pain, for example, can be a result of poor posture, overuse, or sleeping in an awkward position. The same applies to shoulder pain—strains from overexertion or tendonitis from overuse are common causes. However, neck and shoulder pain is also often associated with occupational-related physical activity, such as awkward postures and leaning over computers for too long. In addition, hunched posture can lead to spinal compression, which can bring about several neurological symptoms, including pain and sensory and motor changes.

Some risk factors like arthritis, muscle inflammation, and disc degeneration can also increase the chances of developing neck and shoulder pain. In rare cases, neck and shoulder pain can indicate meningitis or even cancer.

The Symptoms of Neck and Shoulder Pain

Neck and shoulder pain can vary in intensity and duration. More often than not, the pain is sudden (acute) and lasts for a couple of hours or days before eventually subsiding. In other cases, the pain can become long-lasting (chronic). However, regardless of its severity and duration, there is no denying that both mild and intense neck and shoulder pain can interfere with activities and daily living.

Neck and shoulder pain symptoms include a stiff neck or sharp pains in one localised area. If neck and shoulder pain is caused by pressure placed on the root of a nerve or by a herniated disc, symptoms may also be observed in other parts of the body. For example, pain, numbness or weakness in the arms, or tingling in the fingers and hands can all result when the neck and shoulder pain radiates throughout the body. In these cases, it is best to seek the advice of a medical professional.

Neck and Shoulder Pain Relief Solutions

As mentioned, most neck and shoulder pain tends to resolve after a few days. While a doctor should inspect symptoms that persist for more than a week, there are other options for relief for the milder ones. Some of these include:

1. Reducing Physical Activity

Whether you frequently travel long distances or have to work at a desk for long hours at a time, be sure to get up and move around. Stretch your neck and shoulders to relieve any built-up pressure in those areas. If strenuous activities or certain exercises are known to cause or aggravate the area, take a break from these activities and give your body time to recover.

2. Using Good Posture

Since one of the leading causes of neck and shoulder pain is poor posture, be sure to practise good posture when standing and sitting. This means taking active steps to ensure that your shoulders align with your hips and that your ears are directly over your shoulders. When working on tablets and other small screens, avoid looking down at the device or leaning forward to use them. To ensure that your head is kept up and your neck is not leaning forward, adjust your desk, chair and computer so that everything is at eye level.

3. Shoulder and Neck Pain Relief Products

You can also apply topical pain relievers to your neck and shoulders to manage the pain. From shoulder pain relief rubs to pain relief patches, there is a long list of options for effective neck and shoulder pain relief. At Tiger Balm, we aim to offer quick and effective relief for body aches and pains through our neck and shoulder pain relief solutions. Some of the Tiger Balm muscle pain relief topical treatment options you can consider include:

  • Tiger Balm Ultra Strength: This pain relief ointment contains the strongest concentration of Tiger Balm’s signature herbal ingredients to provide you with fast, warm, comforting relief for joint and muscle pain and other aches brought about by overexertion. With soothing heat that penetrates deep into the muscles, this is the perfect solution for those looking for temporary relief from stiff muscles and minor aches. One application is all it takes.
  • Tiger Balm Pain Relieving Patch: Ensuring a clean and simple application, Tiger Balm Pain Relieving Patches offer strong and targeted muscle pain relief in areas like the back, shoulder, and neck for hours.

Find Relief for Your Neck and Shoulder Pain With Tiger Balm

Neck and shoulder pain can do everything from making the most mundane tasks tedious to complete to affecting your ability to carry out certain activities optimally. While there are several causes of neck and shoulder pain, dealing with it can be much easier with Tiger Balm. From ointments for muscle pains to shoulder pain patches, we have them all. Find your ideal Tiger Balm products in a retailer near you, or buy them online today!