This ointment is for temporary relief of shoulder pain, neck pain, and minor aches and pains associated with:
Use only as directed
If pregnant or breastfeeding, ask a health professional before use. Keep out of reach of children. If swallowed, get medical help or contact a Poison Control Center immediately.
Other Information: This product may cause allergic reaction in some individuals. Test on a small area before use. Tiger Balm® Red Extra Strength may stain cloth items. To avoid the possibility of stains, use Tiger Balm Ultra Strength Ointment.
一般按摩膏多數有較濃烈的藥味,質地油膩,容易黏手。虎標 ACTIVE 系列氣味較清新,而且不油膩、不黏手,不會沾污衣物,方便隨時隨地使用。