Tiger Balm Ultra

I have osteoarthritis in both knees causing me pain almost constantly except when I fall asleep. I do take prescription medicine for this but as I am a professional driver, I don’t take the medicine while at work. That’s where Tiger Balm come in play. I apply Tiger Balm once or twice a day to my left hip and both knees and the pain level goes from about a 5 or 6 (on a scale of 1-10, 10 being the worst ) down to about a 2. I used to wake up 2 or 3 times a night due to the pain and would have to spray my knees and hip with a over the counter medical spray to calm down the pain but it would only last a couple of hours. Now before I go to bed, I apply Tiger Balm to my hip and knees and sleep almost all night.

I highly recommend Tiger Balm to everyone and in fact have some of my friends try it after listening to my success story and now they regularly use Tiger Balm. If you want relief from pain, try Tiger Balm. You won’t be sorry.

United States