
I am a US Paratrooper stationed at Fort Bragg and before I used Tiger Balm I would just deal with the pain associated with landing on the drop zone, and carrying over 55 lbs on my back “not including equipment” for over 18 miles and deal with the pain when I return home. I have been doing this for the last 6 years and as a paratrooper, it doesn’t stop with our airborne operations. We continually beat our bodies on Ardennes St running up and down to stay in top shape both physically and mentally training to never give up. I wish I found Tiger Balm 6 years ago because right now I FEEL AMAZING after applying it. I WISH I HAD A SWIMMING POOL FULL OF TIGER BALM so that I can jump in it every day. If you are a soldier you know what I mean. If your not a paratrooper, you fully don’t know what I mean, and if your a RANGER!!!!! Just rub that tab and you’ll be fine. lol.

Daniel Sias

Ointment – Tiger Balm Ultra Strength


I’ve been using Tiger Balm since I was 18 and just starting Karate. My Shihan knew I was having trouble with my knee and gave me some of his to use. I’m now 41 and still using it after my Air Force PT. It’s hard to keep up with the youngsters but TB makes it easier.

Steve Smith

United States

Ointment – Tiger Balm Ultra Strength


I used my husbands Tiger Balm to help (in desperation) to relieve pain from Endometriosis. I now use your product to help with my pain, AND IT HELPS! Just to prove it’s for more than your advertisements. Thank you.

Michaela A.

United States

Ointment – Tiger Balm Ultra Strength


Due to tragedies in my family, I was under a great deal of stress. I know that I carry my stress in my shoulders and neck, and pulled a muscle pretty bad in my neck. I haven’t had a restful night of sleep since, but I think I will tonight! I am able to bend my neck and have just a small amount of pain. This was only my second time using this ointment. This is a miracle. There is no smell…just a pleasant sense of heat where applied. Thank you Tiger Balm for giving me motion back.

Ciro Scardina

United States

Ointment – Tiger Balm Ultra Strength


I’ve been using tiger balm for 7 years! I have a severe back injury that has taken my professional life as a registered nurse with a masters degree! I’m on some very powerful pain medication but without the tiger balm I can’t hardly move! It doesn’t burn or freeze u! It just delivers relief when NOTHING else helps to relieve the severe muscle pain& spasms! Thank You so much for the RELIEF!


Rhonda carswell, RN!BSN!MSN

Rhonda Carswel

United States

Ointment – Tiger Balm Ultra Strength


I play in a sport called rollersoccer. Yes read it again soccer on skates. In the international tournaments I play goalie for team usa and take a number of falls! Add in my knee, 2 acl replacements, Tiger Balm helps ease the pain! Before games it helps loosen me up so I don’t think twice about that diving save. If I run out I know the French guys will always have it or else they are asking me!

Doug Goldfluss

United States

Ointment – Tiger Balm Ultra Strength


This product is awsome. I use it for my shoulder and lower back, and its the only product that has ever alleviated my pain. I will always use tiger balm!

Michael Boggs

United States

Ointment – Tiger Balm Ultra Strength


I talked my husband into purchasing this ointment in place of his usual icey/hot. He suffers from disc pain in his lower back. Pain meds and muscle relaxers gave him minimal relief. He now swears by Tiger Balm.

Also, just this morning, I had a pinched nerve under my shoulder blade. My husband rubbed a dime size amount onto the area that hurt and I am astonished at how much relief I instantly felt. Tiger Balm gets 4 thumbs up in the household!!!

Tracey Merrill

United States

Ointment – Tiger Balm Ultra Strength


I have been using Tiger Balm since I began training in martial arts in the late 80’s. It is absolutely the only thing I turn to after the aches and pains of training start to show. I use it for any muscle and tissue pain period. After a night of intense sparring, (especially when training for Tae Kwon Do tournaments) it is the only thing that assures you that the next day you will be able to walk and function. There is no equal. Period!

Adam Marshall

United States

Ointment – Tiger Balm Ultra Strength


This product really helped me with my shoulder on my throwing arm. If I had any sort of shoulder pain before or after a game I would put it on and I could feel it soothe the muscles inside of my shoulder. This helped me stay in the game

Ryan Sinacore

United States

Ointment – Tiger Balm Ultra Strength


I started using the original Tiger Balm in 1981 & have continued ever since. I originally used it for restless leg syndrome & then in later years I started getting deep cramps in the top of my feet and by my Achilles heel. This is remarkable and does make the cramping stop after rubbing for a few minutes.

Deborah Schasteen Lennie

United States

Ointment – Tiger Balm Ultra Strength


I was given by a friend as a gift and have used it for a long time with very good results. I get relief from back pain and arthritis. I love the stuff it works almost instantly.

Maurice Bienvenue

United States

Ointment – Tiger Balm Ultra Strength


Played paintball for the first time in 7 months, I stretched before hand thinking that was enough… man was I wrong, stretched at the end of the day, got home and the pain was racing on my legs. Next day I felt like an old man, not able to get up out of bed, down/up stairs, even sitting down hurt. I remembered tiger balm from my boxing days, dug through my bag and found it. Within a minute I felt like I had found gold, my legs stopped hurting no stiff muscles, no joint pain, no pain anywhere. Put some on my bruises from the paintballs and it relieved all of my pains. I had to buy more! Tiger balm saved me from days of limping around.

Mike Stern

United States

Ointment – Tiger Balm Ultra Strength


Had horrible back pain all day from sitting in cheap office chairs at my desk job. Not even sitting on my yoga ball was relieving the pain. Used some tiger balm, and the relief from the pain itself is almost like a drug. Works wonders, would highly recommend.

Elizabeth Stoe

United States

Ointment – Tiger Balm Ultra Strength


I was first introduced to Tiger Balm in my 20’s, when I was studying about herbal and non-traditional remedies. At that time, Tiger Balm wasn’t nearly as accessible as it is now, but when I finally saw my first jar of it, I was thrilled. Since then, I’ve never used another muscle rub or pain relief cream, even those my doctor prescribed, because none of them have been as helpful or eased my pain as well. I have Fibromyalgia as well as arthritis in both knees and both shoulders – and even on days when I wake and can’t move or walk comfortably, within 30 minutes of applying the Tiger Balm, I’m up and moving. I’ve introduced it to a lot of friends and co-workers, and will keep on recommending it until I die. I love you, Tiger Balm.

Kerri Ebright

United States

Ointment – Tiger Balm Extra Strength


I have chronic shoulder and neck pain from tension. I saw this product at my local grocery store and decided just to try it. And I am so glad I did. It works fast and very effectively. Works better than any other muscle relief cream I’ve tried. Great product.

Casey Holland

United States

Ointment – Tiger Balm Ultra Strength


A car hit me while I was on my motorcycle in August 2012 and really busted me up. This was probably the one thing I relied on to realax my muscles from keeping them from swelling. I’m glad Tiger balm was there to help out when I really needed it. Thanks

PatrickPatrick. C

United States

Ointment – Tiger Balm Extra Strength


About 40 years ago I was in a very serious car accident and almost lost my legs. The outcome after many years is severe arthritis and almost nothing has given me the relief I was searching for. That is until a few years ago when I discovered Tiger Balm. All I can say is it works, I will continue to use and thank you for such a great product.

Suzanne Mundyskoglund

United States

Ointment – Tiger Balm Ultra Strength


I was having neck and shoulder pains and my masseuse uses this product. I couldn’t believe how good my body felt. I am now buying my own supply. I’m spreading the word on this product

Cindy Henze

United States

Ointment – Tiger Balm Extra Strength


I have been suffering from back pain for months, due to the working do I strain my back sometimes more then I should doing heavy lifting im 27 and too young to be in such back pain. Found this tiger balm product. Decided to give it a try, because everything else isn’t working for me well let’s just say I’m super happy I tried it. The relief I feel is so worth it. I’ll keep this product for life

Lynette Vet

United States

Ointment – Tiger Balm Ultra Strength


I had recently fallen on ice and cracked my tailbone. That healed but left my lumbar areawith a bulging disc. This started the sciatica. Nerve pain going down my leg all day. I was desperate for relief. I had developed an ulcer for using too much ibuprofen in the past so didn’t dare go there. Tried other topical creams, etc. Nothing worked. A friend’s husband who is in the Military uses Tiger Balm and she recommended it to me. This product is a big miracle in small jar! It took the sciatica away and I love the smell!


United States

Ointment – Tiger Balm Extra Strength


I have been using Ultra Tiger Balm for years! I have Fibromalgia!

When I was introduced to Tiger Balm, I cried! This is a product that delivers comfort in situations where prescription medication (and other homeopathic remedies) fail!

I recommend this product to my family, friends, on facebook, and my massage therapy clientele!

Thank You! Thank God for Tiger Balm!!


Ms. Frances Timchak

Pennsylvania , U.S.A.

Frances Timchak

United States

Ointment – Tiger Balm Ultra Strength


While playing raquetball I hit myself in the back of the off hand, immediately resulting in a very painfull knot the size of a ping pong ball. After showering I began rubbing Tiger Balm into the knot every hour for the next 8-10 hours. By the end of my shift the knot was gone and I had no residual pain. Thank you very much. I’ve been using it for well over 20 years and it is all I use.

Dwayne Bruce

United States

Ointment – Tiger Balm Extra Strength


I used this product to help with muscle tightness in my shoulders and upper back. It is the perfect supplement to massage and stretching!

Keith W

United States

Ointment – Tiger Balm Ultra Strength


The best! Thank you for so many, many YEARS of pill-free and pain-free hours! Releif of knee, heel spur, neck, back and pyriformis pain without the use of dangerous controlled substances!

Charlie Comerford

United States

Ointment – Tiger Balm Extra Strength


I have diabetic neuropathy in my feet. Everyday and every night my feet feel like someone is holding a blowtorch to my feet. The only thing I have found that works to relieve the pain of the heat is Tiger Balm Ultra. I cannot imagine living without it now.

Xaja Mykil

United States

Ointment – Tiger Balm Ultra Strength


I suffer from severe lower back pain. I have had three surgeries with metal hardware put in. I take prescription pain medications. But my Tiger Balm is what I put on my back in the morning to get loosened up and able to walk. If it was not for the pain relieving qualities of Tiger Balm I wouldn’t be able to function during a normal day. I also apply it at bedtime to get relaxed for bed. As well without Tiger Balm I would have many sleepless nights. I swear by it! It has changed my way of life!

Todd Garzon

United States

Ointment – Tiger Balm Extra Strength


I recently got into a car accident and have been having muscle spasms in my back constantly. I recently purchased Tiger Balm Ultra and it has since relieved my pain and helps me sleep through the night.. Thank you to whom it may concern for this product

Briana Drew

United States

Ointment – Tiger Balm Ultra Strength


I have severe arthritis in my feet, knees, left shoulder and wrist, and Tiger Balm is the only thing that really provides relief without side effects. I have recommended Tiger Balm to friends and relatives who also suffer from arthritis, and all of them say that Tiger Balm has also been extremely effective with provideing pain relief and increasing function. It’s a great product. I love the small size of the jar – it fits in even my very small purses

Kris Lindstrom

United States

Ointment – Tiger Balm Extra Strength


Thank you. Thank you! Can’t live without you. Been using since Joe Montana recommended it. I have scoliosis. 90% curve. I live with pain but I do get tremendous relief from TB. Can’t recommend it enough.pain pills offer nothing. Wake up in pain and hurts bad to walk. TB to the rescue within minutes I am functioning.Because of you miracle rub, I am able to continue my passion in my garden of flowers. I plan to garden till I am 112. I am so glad I took the time to research you and to thank you.


Jo Schwan

United States

Ointment – Tiger Balm Ultra Strength


GREAT products for pain — without ‘medicine’ odor!!!

Cynthia Amos

United States

Patch – Tiger Balm Pain Relieving Patch


I have had chronic back pain for the past five years, from severe scoliosis. I have traveled hundreds of miles to specialists, had every scan and test imaginable, and taken every pain pill there is. The pain was so debilitating that when I was in cheerleading, I had to take narcotics in order to make it through the game without passing out. I have a very high pain tolerance, but even going grocery shopping for a few hours would cause so much pain I could hardly walk. I’m only eighteen years old! A year ago, after exhausting every possible option, I gave up trying to relieve the pain. Last night, I was at a store and it hurt so intensely that I decided to check the medicine aisle again, in hopes a miracle cure would appear… And it did! I saw the mystical ancient looking Tiger Balm jar, and figured that if it had been around a hundred years, it’s worth a few dollars. The moment I put it on, the pain was extinguished! I was in complete disbelief, but when I woke up this morning it is still a fraction of what itd normally be. Plus it smells amazing! I am so terribly happy I could cry. Thank you for changing my life. You have no idea how much this means to me, and my future. I was starting to worry I’d have no hope. Thank you!!!

Becky Elder

United States

Ointment – Tiger Balm Extra Strength


If you could only believe the pain I was in, after coming home from work. Almost went to the ER. A friend said come over and have a cup of herbal tea and relax. Her husband came in from his job. (Navy) And said “Bonnieget the Tiger balm…” 25 minutes later I could walk with very little pain ! Next day…I was at the health food store buying the ointment. I would offer it to anyone who has that sort of pain…it helped ME !

Liz Collings

United States

Ointment – Tiger Balm Ultra Strength


I have experienced lower back pain for many years. My daughter, a personal trainer, introduced me to this product today & I was awed at the relief it gave me for several hours. She uses it and recommends it to her clients regularly. It is amazing and I love the fact that it’s all natural. Very good product!!!

Liz McCamey

United States

Patch – Tiger Balm Pain Relieving Patch


Have been a long time user. The only product that truely works.

Melissa Greathouse, Melissa Winnie

United States

Ointment – Tiger Balm Extra Strength


I am runner who had not used Tiger Balm for several years. But my lower back became painful and stiff at times from years of running. I heard a Tiger Balm commercial, tried the product again, and immediately enjoyed the relief and warmth it brought. The warmth comes on slowly and immediately loosens the tightness and brings pleasant and comforting relief. I now plan to keep a jar in my gym bag to remain loose, comfortable and active. Great product!

Jim Szymanski

United States

Ointment – Tiger Balm Ultra Strength


I was in NY visiting and some how I pull a muscle on my shoulder. I thought I would have to end my visit short. I stopped at a pharmacy and the pharmacist recommended the tiger balm patch. I couldn’t believe how well this product worked. I felt much better after 20 minutes. I now buy this product in Colorado and use it whenever I have any aches or pains.

Mari Fountain

United States

Patch – Tiger Balm Pain Relieving Patch


I have used Tiger Balm since the early 70’s. It was quite popular with the hippies of the era because it soothed sore muscles and left this amazing scent of cinnamon around you. I returned to using it when I developed arthritis at age 40, and I cannot even imagine a world without this great product. In my book it is listed under “One of the greatest products ever made.”

Nalora Burns

United States

Ointment – Tiger Balm Extra Strength


I have been running track for 4 years and all the aches and pains I would get when the season started hurt so badly. I needed something to help me relax and I saw Tiger Balm, rubbed it in and felt great afterwards. Nice warm feeling and definitely is great when you are out of shape and really need help to feel better.

Samuel Abitzen

United States

Ointment – Tiger Balm Ultra Strength


The patch has given me lots of pain relief on my shoulder which has a small tear in the rotator cuff , and works on my SI joint which has arthritis. The product is easy to use well packaged and sells for very fair price thanks

Ray Cross

United States

Patch – Tiger Balm Pain Relieving Patch


I have been a law enforcement defensive tactics training officer for over twenty-five years. Aches and pains come with the territory. I tried Tiger Balm Extra and was deeply impressed. I now recommend it to everyone I train and come in contact with. I love the smell.

Lee Reese

United States

Ointment – Tiger Balm Extra Strength


During practice when I dove for the ball, i collided with another girl which hit my calf pretty hard. Pressing on it literally makes me feel the pain all the way through my flesh. I had purchased Tiger Balm a few days ago and decided to apply it for the first time to see if it’d help, in alternative to pill popping lol. So after a few good rubs (3 maybe) and 5 minutes later the pain slowly started to subside along with a nice even heating that wasn’t overbearing.

Tanya Suwannasingh

United States

Ointment – Tiger Balm Ultra Strength


For decades Tiger Balm has been my go-to pain reliever. Tiger Balm Red is always in my suitcase and Tiger Balm patches always in the medicine chest, ready to be used. I read labels and Tiger Balm has the most, and most effective, OTC pain meds available.This past Thursday was sheep shearing day; we sheared 22 sheep and that night I used Tiger Balm patches to help with pain. The next morning I was able to get out of bed; very important as all the animals rely on me.

Tiger Balm was given a mention and a link –

Sandra Bennett

United States

Patch – Tiger Balm Pain Relieving Patch


Over the years, I have probably tried every pain relief product out there. Your Tiger Balm Extra is the only stuff that works. I am 60 and I try to stay active, and when I injure myself, I need to get healed fast. Your stuff works, even on joint pain.

Jim Schwartz

United States

Ointment – Tiger Balm Extra Strength


I have been suffering from back pain for months, due to the working do I strain my back sometimes more then I should doing heavy lifting im 27 and too young to be in such back pain. Found this tiger balm product. Decided to give it a try, because everything else isn’t working for me well let’s just say I’m super happy I tried it. The relief I feel is so worth it. I’ll keep this product for life

Lynette Vet

United States

Ointment – Tiger Balm Ultra Strength


For as many years as I can remember, I have had very bad pain in my neck. As the years have passed, I have been diagnosed with RA and Osteoarthritis. I have tried several patches, creams, rubs, pills, and I can tell you without a doubt what works best for me are the Tiger Balm Pain Patches!! I try to get by with the cheaper brands to save money, but sometimes I say “I gotta splurge” on a tiger balm patch! I even cut them in half to try and save money. My husband thought I was joking yesterday when I told him I don’t really need or want or deserve anything for Christmas this year BUT if my Christmas stocking was filled with Tiger Balm Patches I would be very happy! And that is no joke, honest!!

Karen Demmy

United States

Patch – Tiger Balm Pain Relieving Patch


I have the sufferer of some serious back pain the last couple of years. Muscle relaxers help but they put me to sleep when combined with the pain relief medicine. I’ve heard all about this product but never tried it myself so while at the store, limping and trying not to cry from the pain, I saw this and saw how affordable it is and grabbed it up. Even though I have been using it for only about a day it helps tremendously with the pain in my lower back from a torn muscle. It makes walking and sitting easier to handle without any painful twinges. Plus it does not burn like other products out there and it does not smell like those other products either.

Tasia Smith

United States

Ointment – Tiger Balm Extra Strength


I just want to say how thankful I am that the products are sold almost everywhere. I am suffering from severe rheumatoid arthritis and sometimes the medication needles do not help with the pain. So I will always apply tiger balm pain relieving patch everyday and it really does make a difference throughout my day. I will apply bottles of the red ultra strength balm at night to calm my pain and use the ultra strength balm on days when my feet are swollen. Thank you so much for creating this. Please don’t ever stop manufacture your products!

Samantha Ramos

United States

Ointment – Tiger Balm Ultra Strength


I have been using this product for over 10 years. During my menstruation cycle I get very bad cramps and I apply this right on my pelvic area and the cramps are gone in about 20 minutes. I can’t function without it. Thank you.

Cheryll Lovegren

United States

Patch – Tiger Balm Pain Relieving Patch


I recently tried this product and the results are amazing. The chronic pain in my elbow is almost nonexistent with this treatment. I have referred this product to everyone I know.

Jamie Elder

United States

Ointment – Tiger Balm Extra Strength


I have suffered with severe muscle pain for the past several months, with no relief, and I don’t like taking pain pills, so I’m surprised and happy with your product, and it has a nice smell and the warmth feels so good

Deborah Wilson

United States

Ointment – Tiger Balm Ultra Strength


I suffer from scoliosis of the neck. Most days I can manage pain taking Advil, aspirin or vicodin and/or applying heat compresses. I also do muscle stretches every day to lessen pain. Recently none of the above relieved the excruciating pain that I was suffering…Then I remembered we had some Tiger Balm in our medicine cabinet. After I applied the creme to my neck & shoulders I felt relief within a few minutes!! Now I can finally sleep =) Thanks so much for this product-it has truly been a God Send for me!!

Robin Rodgers

United States

Cream – Tiger Balm Neck and Shoulder Rub


I have tried almost every other OTC treatment for my back pain. I finally decided to try Tiger Balm and almost immediately I felt relief. Thank you. Just wish I would have tried sooner

Frank Fiorenza

United States

Patch – Tiger Balm Pain Relieving Patch


After my mom passed away, we were in her apartment and came upon a few jars of Tiger Balm. I used to joke with my mom about her using these secret Chinese products to relieve her arthritis. Well, she was right! I have had serious tennis elbow pain for several months, and tried a cortisone shot, but that didn’t work. I started to use Tiger Balm and Instantly, the pain and stiffness went away. And I am so thankful I found those jars of Tiger Balm. Now I know I can buy more at Walgreens near my house. Thanks Haw Par Corp for an incredible product!

Jeff Bail

United States

Ointment – Tiger Balm Extra Strength


The product helps with my severe knee and shoulder aches. It allows me to sleep through the night. I am so thankful for a co-worker who introduced me about this. It’s really amazing and will definitely share the product with others.

Maryceli Perez

United States

Ointment – Tiger Balm Ultra Strength


I am 53 years old and have been using Tiger Balm since I was in high school sports. As I became a mother of 3 sons tired achy growing pains, sore muscles, sprains and everything else that young men find themselves getting hurt from. They have always asked me “where’s the Tiger Balm”? They have come to love Tiger Balm as much as I do. Thank you for making and keeping this product true to its history. You are a staple in my home.

Francine Martinez

United States

Oil – Tiger Balm Liniment


I have arthritis in my neck & shoulder and use the Tiger Balm Neck & Shoulder rub everyday…it is a great product and gives me relief especially when I lie down at night to sleep…wouldn’t be caught without it…Thanks so much for creating a product that REALLY does give me relief. I have also used the ointment and it works really great as well. I don’t think you could go wrong with any line of this product. I highly recommend it to everyone who suffers from arthritis or muscle pains

Lisa Taylor

United States

Cream – Tiger Balm Neck and Shoulder Rub


I have been suffering from a herniated disc, which triggered sciatica throughout my entire left side, back to ankle since February. I tried every medication, patch, cream, oil, over the counter medicine ect. It wasnt until I found your Tiger Balm patches, where I finally found relief!!!! I have had them by my side since. Even after my surgery yesterday, I still turn to these patches for comfort. I will recommend to everyone. What a great product. Had to share!!

Thank you

Kasi Ferro

United States

Patch – Tiger Balm Pain Relieving Patch


I love your product. So many uses, and all of them end with a satisfying “Awe Yeah”.

Thomas Furgalack

United States

Ointment – Tiger Balm Extra Strength


I have osteoarthritis in both knees causing me pain almost constantly except when I fall asleep. I do take prescription medicine for this but as I am a professional driver, I don’t take the medicine while at work. That’s where Tiger Balm come in play. I apply Tiger Balm once or twice a day to my left hip and both knees and the pain level goes from about a 5 or 6 (on a scale of 1-10, 10 being the worst ) down to about a 2. I used to wake up 2 or 3 times a night due to the pain and would have to spray my knees and hip with a over the counter medical spray to calm down the pain but it would only last a couple of hours. Now before I go to bed, I apply Tiger Balm to my hip and knees and sleep almost all night.

I highly recommend Tiger Balm to everyone and in fact have some of my friends try it after listening to my success story and now they regularly use Tiger Balm. If you want relief from pain, try Tiger Balm. You won’t be sorry.

Rick Harris

United States

Ointment – Tiger Balm Ultra Strength


This is the only pain rub that I have used that takes care of my crippling nerve pain. The fact that it is NOT a narcotic means that I can use it as often as I need to get warmth in that area. I cannot tolerate cold, only heat. I swear by Tiger Balm because it has been around FOREVER because it WORKS!!!

Gabrielle LugaricHicks

United States

Oil – Tiger Balm Liniment


I have been a disabled Army Veteran (with arthritis and spinal issues) for 15 years. As an Army Wife and a Veteran, I have seen many specialty doctors and used very many pain relief products. Tiger Balm is THE BEST product I’ve ever used! I now have my father, my husband, my son and many others hooked on it, too (all of which are Army Veterans or Active Army Soldiers)! I swear by this product so frequently that I wish I were a distributor – I’d be rich!! Thank you for so many years of meaningful relief.

Robi Fortune

United States

Cream – Tiger Balm Neck and Shoulder Rub


I love this stuff. I don’t like taking pills.

Matthew Harris

United States

Patch – Tiger Balm Pain Relieving Patch


I am baseball player, at my age my elbow will tighten and get sore. I use tiger balm during warmup throwing and then again after practice or a game. Tiger balm is with me at all times because there is nothing out there that can beat the relief of tiger balm!

Nic White

United States

Ointment – Tiger Balm Extra Strength


I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia when I was 12. My rheumatologist had me on different varieties of pain medication just so I could function and go to school. It’s been two years since I’ve tried Tiger Balm Ultra, and it’s made a serious difference for me. I don’t even have to take pain meds anymore. It numbs nearly all the fibro pain in my back. I’m so thankful for this amazing product.

Lily Rain

United States

Ointment – Tiger Balm Ultra Strength


I suffered with neck and shoulder pain for many years. I tried all of the typical over-the-counter rubs, gels and sprays, including CBD. Nothing helped. My wife, who is a Singapore citizen, suggested I try Tiger Balm Liniment. After using it, I got immediate and lasting relief. Tiger Balm Liniment works!

Patrick Courtney

United States

Oil – Tiger Balm Liniment


Got into an accident and I have severe back and rib pain. This numbs it in 10 minutes. I love this. Thank you so much.

Anna Johnson

United States

Cream – Tiger Balm Neck and Shoulder Rub


I couldn’t believe the great results I received when I 1st used Tiger Balm Arthritis Rub. The pain relief was fantastic. I urge all adults with osteoarthritis pain to try this amazing product.

DaleAnne Everitt

United States

Lotion – Tiger Balm Arthritis Rub


Hands down the best product out there for my sore back and muscles. Wouldn’t use anything else and I highly recommend tiger balm

Nick Antoniewicz

United States

Patch – Tiger Balm Pain Relieving Patch


I had tried everything I could think of to ease my period cramps and nothing would help. I remembered I had some Tiger Balm in my cabinet and was desperate. I rubbed some on my lower abdomen and lower back, then the pain went away in minutes! I will always use Tiger Balm! It was a life saver!!

Katie Wilson

United States

Ointment – Tiger Balm Extra Strength


I’ve been using Tiger Balm for over 25 years!!! I have tried the others, but always come back!! Thank you and my body says thank you so much!! Being a Professional Dart Player, this gets me thru three- and five-day tournaments!! Wonderful product!!

Chris Anderson

United States

Ointment – Tiger Balm Ultra Strength


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